There are many reasons for an Appraisal
- Estates
- Partition
- Resale
- Insurance
- Equitable Distribution
- Business Liquidation
We keep pace with the market, by using different on-line research services, current auction prices and a library of reference materials.
What to Expect from our Appraisal Report
A detailed inventory by a certified appraiser, presented in compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). A physical inspection of the property with photos and we will also provide video if requested.
Expert Witness
We are trained expert witness for appraisals and auctions for the court.
Cost of Service
The cost is a Flat Rate or an Hourly Rate.
Contact Tom Today!

Tom Jordan
If you are in the market for an Auctioneer, Real Estate Broker or Appraiser, Contact Tom Jordan at Carolina Auction and Realty Today!
Types of Appraisals
A price that the property would sell for on the open market. It is the price that would be agreed on by a willing buyer and a willing seller, with neither being required to act, and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts.
Fair Market Value is used for Inheritance Tax, Estate Planning, Marital and Business Division and Charitable Contributions.
A monetary value necessary to replace property with something of similar Origin, Condition, Provenance, Quality and Age. This appraisal is used for Insurance purposes to be attached to your policy as a Rider.
The appraiser’s professional opinion of the estimated monetary amount, which the asset could typically realize if exposed for public sale at a properly advertised and professionally managed sale.
The appraisal is used for liquidation of Estates, Bankruptcy and inventory reduction under limiting conditions.